Codei – The Journey

Read about the path that brought us here

Codei aims to revolutionize hiring. The idea is straightforward: Use AI to generate real-world coding problems tailored to actual company codebases. Why? Because like many other job seekers, I was skeptical about the effectiveness of traditional platforms like Hackerrank and LeetCode. Did I ever use a LeetCode question solution directly at work? Probably not. Presented to the super{set} community, the idea initially garnered enthusiasm. However, despite applicant's skepticism towards existing generic standardized tests, extensive employer-side discovery revealed that employers still favored these tests over Codei's.Undeterred by the challenges, we recognized the need for a pivot. As we returned to the drawing board, our focus shifted to empowering job seekers—a decision inspired by the cluttered landscape of job boards and my own job search frustrations. The "aha" moment struck: a job tracking platform that consolidates every application across the internet. This was the solution we had been searching for.With this newfound focus, our team of six engineers began working and brainstorming. Our goal: to provide something far superior to an Excel sheet for tracking job applications. We envisioned a platform that not only helped users track their applications but also helped them prepare for specific roles through relevant projects and practice questions.In the job seeker market, we also explored offering coaching services. However, we quickly realized that job seekers needed more than just coaching—they needed a structured curriculum. While we currently offer our platform for free, we see the potential for a premium offering in the future that includes this comprehensive curriculum. For now, we're keeping this under wraps as a potential exciting development.Building on our progress, it's evident our new direction is impactful. Job seekers are finding it easier to track applications and practice for interviews using our platform. They're not only building confidence but are also bolstering their resumes and GitHub portfolios with our practice questions and projects, giving them an edge in their job searches. Their success and proactive use of our resources reinforce the purpose of our platform. This positive feedback motivates us to continually improve and expand our services, making job hunting more straightforward and successful for everyone.Join us at Codei to enhance your job search and grow your career. Your feedback and feature requests help us shape Codei into the ultimate platform for job seekers. By using our tools and contributing ideas, you're part of a community that's redefining the job hunting experience. Together, let's make navigating career opportunities smoother and more successful.